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Selected Articles

The list of Marco’s academic work is rather long. Both the publications and lectures are listed chronologically, so it is possible to see which issues have been of interest to Marco in a particular year.


For instance, since 2018 he has done quite a bit of work on improving the labour and environmental standards in the EU’s bilateral free trade agreements, and on WTO reform. In the few years before that, he was interested notably in the controversy surrounding Investor-State Dispute Settlement; in restrictions on access to raw materials in the wake of the WTO’s rulings on China’s export restrictions on raw materials; and in the implications of human rights principles for several controversial issues in economic law (such as the presumption of innocence and EU competition law; limitations on trade secrets protection when viewed against the right to property; the possibility for private parties to request financial compensation in the event they suffer damages from trade wars in which they have no stake).


A long-running theme in his academic work is how private stakeholders can derive rights from international law in national court proceedings. Another recurring topic is improving the remedies to violations of trade agreements available to injured governments (notably, developing countries).


Selected Blogposts, Articles and Book Chapters

Speaking Engagements

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